Financial Planning in the 30s sets Strong base for a Solid Financial Life later

In your 20s, life is actually not too burdened with responsibilities and other complexities that come later. You have started earning (well), have very few burdens and responsibilities and are full of energy. It's when you cross from the 20s…

Do HNIs (High Networth Individuals) need Financial Planning?

HNIs or High Networth Individuals are smart people. They have wealth. More importantly, they know how to make more money from their business and other income sources. But that’s not all. They also understand that they need to generate more…

Asset Allocation Quilt – No Asset Works Well Every Year. But…

Asset Allocation Quilt 2021 for Indian markets. I came across this interesting depiction of asset class performance chart in a tweet (link). Have a look at the below quilt and spend some time studying it. The table (or quilt) above…

I am 30. Want to Retire at 50. How much to Invest Monthly?

I got a mail from a reader asking how much he needed to invest to retire at the age of 50. He is 30 and said that he had practically no savings at all. So it's like starting your investment…

Mutual Funds Vs Real Estate: Which is better for Investing in India? (2021 Update)

Note – This is a guest post by Ajay. He has previously written on this topic (links in later part of the post) and now updates his thoughts on the basis of 2021 data. Ajay has also authored other interesting…