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[Important] Beware of People/Entities using Similar-Sounding Names (to StableInvestor) or Fake Social Media handles and Whatsapp/Telegram Groups

Note – Advisory regarding Investor Awareness Dear Reader I am reaching out to you today, with an important message: It has been brought to my notice that there a few entities using similar sounding names (with the word ‘Stable’) to…

Can a 44-Year Old with Rs 3.75 Cr (MF+Stocks) + Rs 40 lakh (FDs) + Rs 30 lakh (NPS) Quit Working & Do a Start-Up? || Quoted (Economic Times)

I was recently quoted in Economic Times WEALTH (8-14 February 2024) in the Q&A section where a panel of experts answers readers’ questions related to various aspects of their personal finances. The exact question and the answer – Here is…