PPF 7.1% | SCSS 8.2% | NSC 7.7% | Sukanya 8.2% | No Changes for Jul-Sep 2024

There have been no changes in the major small savings scheme for the quarter of July-September 2024.

  • PPF interest rates – No Change (remains at 7.1%) – Possible reason – Why did the PPF rate not increase?
  • Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana rates – No Change (remains at 8.2%)
  • Senior Citizen Savings Scheme or SCSS – No Change (remains at 8.2%)
  • National Savings Certificate or NSC – No Change (remains at 7.7%)
  • Monthly Income Scheme or MIS – No Change (remains at 7.4%)

Here is the full notification for the changes in interest rates (via this link). Here is the image from the notification below:

You can check the historical interest rates for a few of these using the following links – PPF Interest Rate History and Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana Interest Rate History

The EPF rates were hiked to 8.15% a few months back as well.

Note – Since the interest rates of RBI Floating Rate Savings Bonds 2020 (Taxable) are pegged to NSC rates, i.e. the RBI Floating Bond rates are always 0.35% above NSC rates. So with NSC rates at 7.7%, the RBI Floating Rate bond rates will also remain 8.05% per annum for the period of Jul-Dec 2024. Read more about RBI Floating Rate Bonds interest rates 2024.

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